Thursday 4 March 2010

Cash Money....

Yesterday was a good day for negotiations; the repose brand now has a new investor to help take us forward.  As you are probably aware all fledgling companies on the whole are cash strapped at start up.  The repose brand is no different, but we have been able to put the right people in the right places.  I am proud to think that I have the best team behind the brand that I could find and even if I had a much larger budget I would not change anything at this stage.

We take pride in the knowledge that we don’t have an enormous budget and some of our most innovative ideas have been born out of the need to conserve money.

The team consists of Lynz our graphics & marketing brain, who famously re-branded Zoo York.  Rich is our fashion designer, he has worked as a designer for many London fashion houses.  Oh and me……Oh and me....

Our philosophy is to try and keep it simple, clean and green.  I just hope that we can keep hold of these ideals and not lose perspective as we grow.

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