Tuesday 16 February 2010

Milan & More.....

I am off to Milan tomorrow evening for the Milano Unica textile show, which will be an experience.  I am hoping to find some new fabrics/ materials for a range of trousers and jackets that we will be launching in the Autumn of this year.

The only problem I have at the moment is that the organisers are not replying to any e-mails and the website says the show is SOLD OUT- Oh No!!!

I do however have a trump card in my back pocket, which is Milanese family who are as good as the Mob in this part of the world.  If the organisers won’t let us in we will have to adopt a different approach.

I ordered a new head Cam made by Oregon Scientific in preparation for our forthcoming and first ever video.  The cam arrives today which will be fun….I can just see now how much trouble I can cause with this gadget….

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