Wednesday 17 February 2010

T-Minus 10 days and still no stock....

T- minus ten days until the soft launch in Slovenian and I still don’t have a website, any samples or T-shirts.  At the moment it would be fair to say that things are not on track but this is the nature of the beast.

I think unless God grants me a miracle this date may have to be pushed back by a week to allow sufficient time to gather/ manufacture sufficient stock.

Richard our fashion designer will be signing the deal this weekend for the T’s so they should be available in time.  The whole launch now rests solely in the hands of the manufacturer- fingers crossed.

I still haven’t received a reply from the organisers of the Milan show so I may have to employ the help of the mob after all- believe me they will not know what has hit them!!!

I have decided on a positive note to launch in Austria the week after Slovenia and then onto Germany….

If anyone knows any German or Austrian skaters, longboarders, kite surfers or anyone of a boarding denomination please blog back…..

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