Tuesday 23 February 2010

Planes, trains, packaging and videos..

The manufacturer has promised me that the samples will be dispatched by tomorrow morning at the latest.  I will have to wait and see.

Once the samples have arrived in Slovenia I will obviously have to test them out!  So I have decided to christen them with my new friends from the bar Open across the road.  I would ideally like to find the biggest, widest, emptiest tarmac hill in Slovenia and see what they are capable of.  My head cam arrives any day so it should be pretty exciting.

I am off to London in two weeks to start filming our first video.  I am really excited as I haven’t been back in the big smoke for a few weeks now.

I have now short listed three possible venues for our Ljubljana Launch party in the middle of next month.  The club I most like is called K4 and is run by the Uni here.

The packaging for the wheels is now underway as well.  I tried in vane to get circular packaging with a cut out on the side, but I can’t find anyone to manufacture it.  I think I will have to settle with plain old circular tube….

If anyone can help with circular tubes with cut outs please blog back…

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